
The Estate’s values

The values of our business are built on the milieu, culture, and maintaining the trust of our personnel.
We believe in sustainable operations.

Ecologically sustainable operations

Our values are highlighted in areas including:

  • Use of thermal and heat pump systems
  • Jätteiden lajittelu
  • Renovations have utilised traditional red ochre and oil paints and recycling of good-quality used material (windows, doors, weatherboards)
  • When expanding facilities our principle is to restore and make use of existing housing stock and recycle building materials whenever possible.

Ethically sustainable tourism

  • Transparent and reliable, the sales process if documented in writingkirjallisesti
  • Values in harmony with the country environment
    • respects and treasures nature
    • Values traditions, both cultural and architectural
    • We collaborate with the local area: town community, school, local vendors
  • We further vitality of the countryside by creating jobs and services and by using services and raw materials from local businesses.

Our goals are

  • Preserving the diversity of nature and plants that are traditional in the country milieu
  • National traditions given new life as a new experience
  • Preserving traditional landscapes and building principles
  • Retaining customerships
  • Good service environment
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Responsible operations and profits
  • To be a good and reliable employer